2019 Meeting
We are pleased to announce the 2019 Annual Meeting will take place in Toyama Japan, surrounded by the 3,000 meter high Tateyama Mountain Range on one side and the beautiful Toyama Bay on the other. The Annual Meeting will take place April 23 – 27, 2019 at the Toyama International Conference Center and is preceded by a Satellite Meeting on Monday April 22, 2019.
Meeting Information
Please plan to attend the 29th Annual Meeting from April 23 -27, 2019 in the majestic and spectacular city of Toyama, Japan. The 2019 meeting will be preceded by a Satellite Meeting on Monday April 22, 2019. Both meetings will be held at the Toyama International Conference Center.
With the Northern Alps, including the 3,000-meter Tateyama Mountain Range and the bountiful Toyama Bay, Toyama Prefecture is surrounded by nature and offers a wide variety of sights and local cuisine to enjoy. There is an abundance of must-see sights, such as world-famous Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route and the remote mountain village of gassho-style houses in the World Heritage Site of Gokayama. With historic temples, old city streets and modern museums, there is something for everyone in Toyama.
Hotel reservations will be open soon for meeting delegates. Check back soon for more information on the variety of hotel offerings for all price levels!